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By watreghost
#117094 So the command is working fine in my worlds but I am uninterested in spawning at random levels. My friends and I would like to start in a world together with custom starters so being able to set the level would be nice. Is there a command for this? I already tried to type /pokespawn trapinch 5. I also tried typing lv5. Nothing sso far. If it can't be spawned at a certain level editing it after the fact would be next best.

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By Cap_Cod
#117113 /pokespawn trapinch lvl5
You can also do the following:
/pokespawn <pokemon> boss<1-4>
/pokespawn <pokemon> lvl<1-100>
/pokespawn <pokemon> s
^ This makes the pokemon shiny.
By watreghost
#117124 For clarification, can I do for example /pokespawn kadabra lvl 100 boss 3 s to perform all 3 things? I'm sure its doable but I want to be sure I am not misunderstanding how it works. I can't forsee how I would use this info but while it's on the table I might as well ask. Also, srry to the forum mods for the double post, I'm not sure how it happened but it clearly did.

Edit: and facepalm.forgot to say thanks for the help.
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By shadoowner
watreghost wrote:For clarification, can I do for example /pokespawn kadabra lvl 100 boss 3 s to perform all 3 things? I'm sure its doable but I want to be sure I am not misunderstanding how it works. I can't forsee how I would use this info but while it's on the table I might as well ask. Also, srry to the forum mods for the double post, I'm not sure how it happened but it clearly did.

Edit: and facepalm.forgot to say thanks for the help.

yes, you can use multiple options in 1 line, but for lvl and boss, dont use spaces between them and their value (put it like 'lvl100' and 'boss3')
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By Some Body
#117143 If the Pokémon is a boss, you can't set its level as bosses autoscale their level to a set amount above your Pokémon's levels.

Since you are looking to make starter Pokémon, there are settings in the config file that you can customize the starter Pokémon options with.
By watreghost
#117494 i was able to start the game with my custom starter due to the command and a masterball. im sure there was a more elegant way but this is simple