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By tvirus06
#117530 I've was wondering, if the new update version going to come out going to contain 3.0.3 updates into the 1.7* version? Or is it going to be seperate? Also i was wondering if these bugs going to be fixed?

Capability with mcplus servers -

Fixed Errors with trainer's, so they work how you want them to, and not bug out.
Fix Errors with legendary message keeps spaming with mcplus servers.

By TheNew4
#117618 3.0.3 is an update for the 1.6.4 version of Minecraft, which I hope contains some fixed bugs/glitches. And I believe it's going to be separate, since 1.6.4 and 1.7.+ are different.
By tvirus06
#117635 I kinda dout that, why would they put so much work in updating to 1.7? I believe 3.0.3 will be added into that update before releasing.. cause if they dont, then its pointless to release a updated MC version with not the new stuff lol
By TheNew4
#117656 They put so much work updating to 1.7 because there will be more issues than 1.6.4. Again, MC version 1.6.4 and 1.7 are different versions that include many more obstacles when it comes into coding etc etc. It sounds simple, but everything takes time. As well, 1.7. will have newer stuff, that they want to put in 1.7, and not in 1.6.4.