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By Wikedtik
#118221 Hey friends, I'm in need of some builders that can make 3d art of the Pixelmon for my spawn. If anybody is interested, please let me know.

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By Aichu
#119284 yeaa.. thats gonna be too hard you know,i would come but all i can do is 2D (pixelart) so yea.. :D
By gilbert12888
#119445 There are some sites where you can download 3d pokemon art of all of the pokemon up through gen 5 i believe. There are 3 sizes for each pokemon but the schematics are all stone so youll have to fill in the top layer. It also happens to be a site where a lot of modelers get their reference models from. Go look around.
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By Aichu
#119456 he means pixelarts , 3D Pixelarts , like on craftbattleduty's 3D Gyarados and rayquaza.
By gilbert12888
#119504 Yes I know he means that. The 3d pixel art is included in the downloads. You would know this if you read my post. I said "It ALSO happens to be a site where a lot of modelers get their reference models from." Also, you should know that when i say "schematics," they are builds in minecraft. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please don't say I'm wrong.
P.S. They should technically be called voxel art because pixels are 2d, voxels are 3d.