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By eze0434
#118873 Good afternoon.

I had a quick question. I wanted to know if I had two pokemon that I wanted to EV train their ATK stats.

Attacking Machamp (+3 ATK EV)

Blaziken w/ Power Bracer would get +7 ATK EV correct?
Torterra w/ EXP Share

My question is will my Torterra get +7 ATK EV or would they only get +3 off of Machamp.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


#118920 I recommend not using EXPShares if you really want to EV train well, however it's up to you:)
#119011 Yeah, but you can't put any other items on them. It's fine when your Pokemon is still a low level and can't hold up on it's own, but later on I recommend using Power items.
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By Some Body
#119019 The Exp. Share can be held by one Pokémon while another Pokémon that does all the battling holds the power item, so two Pokémon can be EV trained at once. Also note that EVs can't be erased so a Pokémon that wants all their EVs to be invested in specific stats will be untrained.
#119026 OK, I guess that's true.. yeah, you're right.