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By Darkmist1300
#119529 Hello there well it all started yesterday I got all my mods loaded I had my forge and everything working but when I try to play it says Forge mod loader could not find Pixelmon : Any but guess what I had the mod in the files and everything so I asked a friend for help and he can run it perfectly and he said let me see your files and he said everything seems perfect and then he said well I dont know whats going on.let me show you some screen shots
Pixelmon mod screenshot.tif
Pixelmon mod screenshot.tif (373.72 KiB) Viewed 702 times

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By shadoowner
#119633 the top picture (that doesnt show here, rightclick -> open in new tab will download it) is his mods folder, it looks like thats installed correctly.
Your second picture says 'The file 'ForgeModLoader-client-0.log' contains more information', can you post the info in that log relevant to the issue here?