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wait to make server on 1.7.2 or make it on 1.6.4 right now

By cman9000
#119765 hello my name is cman9000. I have loved this mod ever since it first came out. I got a dilemma tho. I just made a server and now a couple days ago they announced it being on 1.7 and then its 95% done. I don't know whether to be at 1.6.4 for a week or 2 then go to 1.7.2 or just wait. I already paid for the server a month and might be able to play for another. I was also hoping to make it a "release" weekend but with the update coming i don't know if i should.

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By MrMasochism
#119768 stay at 1.6.4. 1.7 will be a little way off still and I can't confirm a date yet. While I was doing the update I got side-tracked by a piece of code and decided to add a new "secret" feature. It will be well worth the wait but it will delay 1.7 a bit