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By stephanreiken
#120121 I've noticed a theme among servers.. among all servers I've looked at.

Status Moves, and things like Protect are banned for prolonging fights. Protect having 'no benefit'...

Now, its their choice. I can see where status moves can be quite annoying but that is kinda their point. But... All these move bans seem to dumb down the entire game to the point where it just stopped being worth bothering with. Whats the point of playing a little pvp pokemon if they just cut off the huge parts of the metagame? Is it so bad to use a Stallrain?

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By Some Body
#120124 I agree that banning status moves is stupid, but this is an argument you should bring up with the server owners, not the Pixelmon team. If they don't comply, just look for a different server.

Protect is currently glitched to work every time without fail, which is probably why people ban it for the moment. The moved will be fixed in 3.1 (their argument shows they know nothing about the metagame though).

As a side note, Stallrein isn't nearly as effective in Pixelmon without abilities (Ice Body/Snow Warning).