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By wakkydude
#120726 You've tried to address this issue on the forums before but by doing so you have fundamentally misunderstood the argument of those you try to silence. This is your justification for taking down GameChap's video with the DMCA:

Yes they made a video with unsubstantiated claims which were even out of date by the time they made them. We'd been talking with mojang before they even bought that up and it was sorted. The code was never malicious, could never harm anyone's computers and the whole thing was just turned into a try-hard publicity stunt by 2 guys who should have known better

I'm sorry, but this is no reason to force a copyright takedown of a video. According to Minecraft's EULA, when you make a mod, "you must also let us permit other people to use, copy, modify and adapt your content. If you don‘t want to give us this permission, do not make content available on or through our Game."

The copyright system is for taking down videos that... violate your copyright! When you file a copyright claim to youtube you do so under potential penalty of perjury if it's misleading. If the content is not directly violating your copyright, do not use the DMCA system. There is no other even slightly valid reason for using it. Is their video wrong? Contact GameChap and sort the issue out with them instead of abusing a system that can destroy somebody's YouTube channel. You might want to watch this video by TotalBiscuit (, which spells out the consequences for YouTube gaming press as a whole when the system is abused. If a video is misleading, there are other ways to ensure that the false information is no longer spread that don't go as far as forceful DMCA removal. I would like to hear your reason for using this system specifically, because Mojang's EULA clearly spells out that they had every right to show your code.

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By Isi
#120727 'Content' refers to maps. That does not apply to mods, or code. We have every right to make our own call on our own work. The only part of the EULA that would apply to this is as follows :-

"Any tools you write for the Game from scratch belong to you. Modifications to the Game ("Mods") (including pre-run Mods and in-memory Mods) and plugins for the Game also belong to you and you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you don‘t sell them for money / try to make money from them. We have the final say on what constitutes a tool/mod/plugin and what doesn‘t."