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By cj303302
#121146 i was just wondering if porygon will ever be able to be naturally gotten i know you guys say he cant be gotten due to the fact he is not natural so if i may suggest maybe doing something with the pc to get him such as if you have 3 pcs within ten blocks of each other he spawns or electric stone+pc=one time porygon spawn

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By shadoowner
KianPlayMC wrote:To test it out do /pokespawn Porygon if you want to spawn a Porygon that is shiny do /pokespawn Porygon s
KianPlayMC wrote:Porygon and its 3 types are already been added to the game

He knows that and its not what he was asking, and porygon will most likely not get a way to obtain him legit. (at least not in the near future)
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shadoowner wrote:
KianPlayMC wrote:To test it out do /pokespawn Porygon if you want to spawn a Porygon that is shiny do /pokespawn Porygon s
KianPlayMC wrote:Porygon and its 3 types are already been added to the game

He knows that and its not what he was asking, and porygon will most likely not get a way to obtain him legit. (at least not in the near future)
dont speak what you dont know