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#121196 I downloaded yesterday pixelmon on 1.6.4. Now I want to play with an other profile on 1.7.4, but when I click on play it doesn't start. If I change the version to 1.6.4 it works. Someone an idea how I can play with the other profile on 1.7.4

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By Burgy
#121201 Pixelmon is only for 1.6.4 so, yeah.
Doesn't work for 1.7.x
Burgy wrote:Pixelmon is only for 1.6.4 so, yeah.
Doesn't work for 1.7.x

But I don't mean I want to play pixelmon on 1.7.4 but I want to play other things on 1.7.4, but because I downloaded pixelmon 1.7.4 won't download on any profile anymore. Do I have to get rid of pixelmon to play on 1.7.4 or is there an other way?
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By IceMan8030
#121206 Multiple Profiles (Client Side)-
1- Move your current .minecraft out of the roaming folder and place it in a secure location so you can keep your current profile.
2- Run minecraft so that it installs a new .minecraft folder that has no forge files or mods.
3- Install the version of forge that is recommended for the version Pixelmon you are planning to install
4- Run minecraft so forge can install its files.
5- Paste the version of Pixelmon you want to play in the mods folder
6- Run minecraft again to install Pixelmon.
Now to setup profiles....
7- Close minecraft and re-open the launcher. at the top of the launcher you should see a profiles tab select that.
8- Copy you current profile so that it makes a "copy of profile" now go to the bottom left and select that profile in the drop down and select edit profile.
9- Rename the profile to say Pixelmon 2.3 for the old profile she was using.
10- Now select the tick box beside the file path so that you can edit the path to the old .minecraft folder you moved in step 1
11- Open the .minecraft folder you moved in step 1 and at the top in the folder path left click and then right click and select copy
12- Go back to you minecraft launch and select the path bar you romvoed the old folder path from and press "ctrl + v" to paste in you folder path to the old .minecraft.
13- Now you should be able to swap between profiles easily for each version of Pixelmon.

If you have any issues please let me know.

