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By gamerdude16
#121218 If I were to make a hub server that sends you to different worlds, should i have all the worlds in one server or make a separate server for each individual world?

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By shadoowner
#121222 If you want pixelmon in all of them, go with a seperate server for each individual world since pixelmon doesnt support multiworld
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By shadoowner
gamerdude16 wrote:What do you mean "doesn't support"? Pixelmon spawn in all the worlds i have and everything works fine

If you are usng spawners then yes, it works for multiworld, but global spawns only happen in one world per server.
Also, traveling between worlds may cause a loss of pokemon
By gamerdude16
#121269 Oh really? :/ How many gigs of ram should i get for each individual server? and would i be able to transfer like permissions between the servers and other command stuff?
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By JayPeaSize
gamerdude16 wrote:Oh really? :/ How many gigs of ram should i get for each individual server? and would i be able to transfer like permissions between the servers and other command stuff?

Depends purely on the player size. As far as the other questions go, I dont really feel like you should be running a server in the first place if you don't know the answers to that.