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By bobbanana09
#121283 Hello, I have two questions today.

The first question is, how do I set it that players can only heal their pixelmon. Not others. I need the node to do that.

The 2nd question is, how do I hide that someone successfully healed their pixelmon.
It always comes up in chat.


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By shadoowner
#121358 for the first, there is no permission for that, what I did in my server was using a chest GUI plugin (I used ChestCommands but bosshop will also work) make an item with the console command /pokeheal %player% (the value to select the player that clicked it, might be different depending on the plugin you use).
Add a permission to that, give the players that can use that the permission and the item and ur done.

For the second, I believe that is OP only, so if you dont want that in chat, just make a group with all permissions you could think of, call it something like Owner, give it to yourself and deOP yourself, you shouldnt get the message anymore.
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By bobbanana09
#121361 Can they access the chest command anywhere they go?

I am asking only because I am a donator on a server that I used to play on and I could do /pokeheal and only heal my pokemon thats it.
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By shadoowner
#121363 they probably had a little extention written for them that made that possible