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By timtuber
#123129 Can I get some clarity on EV training from a Pixelmon developer? I have a few questions after reading

1) I read somewhere that held items don't work in Pixelmon unless the Pokemon holding the item gets the last hit. So, for example, Pokemon 1 starts the battle with a Macho Brace against a Pokemon that gives one Speed EV. Pokemon 2 finishes the battle. Assuming Pokemon 1 hasn't fainted, does it get two Speed EVs or one?

2) Is there any way to determine how many and which EVs a pokemon currently has in Pixelmon?

3) When does the bonus from EV training start to show? It appears in my tests that it's gradual, as sometimes the pokemon will add two additional base stat points after leveling and other times it'll add three additional base stat points. Is there any way to tell when EV is affecting base stats?

Thanks for the clarification.

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By Some Body
#123136 1) That's completely false. In your situation, Pokémon 1 would get 2 Speed EVs and Pokémon 2 would get 1 Speed EV.
2) You either have to know your Pokémon's IVs to use a stat calculator or keep track of all the EVs your Pokémon has ever gotten.
3. EVs are always affecting stats, but their impact is gradual mainly because you're gaining them slowly and alongside normal experience points. Obviously more EVs will make the stat higher, but the bonus due to EVs will also be more as the Pokémon reaches higher levels. For instance, at level 100, 4 EVs = 1 stat point, while at level 50, 8 EVs = 1 stat point. EVs will affect the stat immediately, so when the EVs in a stat reach a certain amount, the stat will rise instantly without needing to level up.
By timtuber
#123342 I have some more questions after EV training for a bit:

  1. @SomeBody wrote: "You either have to know your Pokémon's IVs..." How do I find out a Pokemon's IV in Pixelmon?
  2. To test EV training, I started with a Roggenrola at Level 2. I EV trained in speed using a Power Anklet (+4 Speed) and recorded all Pokemon fought. I would get 5 or 6 EVs in speed each battle, depending on the Pokemon. By the time it got to 252 EVs in speed, the Boldore (it evolved) had 35 speed stat. I think it was around level 34 at that point. Then, I EV trained it in defense using a Power Band (+4 Defense), also recording all of the Pokemon fought. Again, I got between 5 and 6 defense EV per battle. When it got to 252 EVs in defense, the Gigalith (evolved from trading) had 130 defense stat and is at level 40. So, what happens next? Will I still see gradual stat gains from EVs as I continue to level it up to 100? Am I understanding things incorrectly or doing something wrong?
  3. EDIT: How does evolution affect EV training?
I can send the list of all of the Pokemon battled if needed. Thanks in advance.
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By Some Body
#123346 1. You would have to use an IV calculator (google it). Knowing your Pokémon's exact EVs is required as well. Unfortunately, if you know neither IVs or EVs, you can't really find out the other.
2. Gigalith's Defense and Speed would rise more quickly compared to a Gigalith without any EVs, and both stats would be 63 points higher at level 100 than a Gigalith that had the same IVs, nature, and no EVs.
3. Evolution does not affect EVs. It only affects the Pokémon's base stats.