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By 1stAviansie
#123180 so ive decided, i dont really want to play on a large server with tons of people, and solo is a little boring, i’d want to play on a server with 1 or 2 other people starting fresh, does anyone know how that could happen? i just downloaded McPc about a week ago, little less, so i don't know how this stuff really works, but if anyone can point me in the right direction thatd be great ^_^

By TheNew4
#123196 SPG made a video on how to make a private server for pixelmon. You can click the annotations above to skip to the desired step by step process you wish to learn. This is his video.
By 1stAviansie
TheNew4 wrote:SPG made a video on how to make a private server for pixelmon. You can click the annotations above to skip to the desired step by step process you wish to learn. This is his video.

making a server seems rather easy, apparently funnily i alredy saw that video but didnt think anything of it
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By Dailby
#124419 If you're looking for new servers I would suggest looking through the server list, I would recommend the server I'm currently apart of but that would be a bit biased :P.