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By edo1234560
#123252 i heard that in the jungle biome for a pokemon to spawn there must be a grass block and above it a oak leaf block
is that true?
if not how does mob spawning works?

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By SireSolo
#123269 Here's a link to the wiki:

basically it lists about the Pixelmon spawning there, but mentions nothing about any special things have to happen 1st...
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By Some Body
#123295 To my knowledge, there's no need for oak leaves (or any leaves) to be above Grass for Pokémon to spawn.

Land-spawning Pokémon will spawn in jungles on any valid blocks, which mainly consist of grass and leaves in the jungle but also includes blocks like stone and sand.

Spawning mechanics in this case are pretty intuitive and expected, so this kind of info won't be on the wiki.