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By Some Body
#123348 I believe that Pokémon can only spawn on certain blocks, so just avoid using these blocks as surfaces:
*Stone-based blocks (stone/cobblestone/ores/bedrock/sandstone?)
*Snow blocks
By honkinpigs
#123673 I run a server and this was one of the things I needed to figure out. I would recommend using worldedit and worldguard together, and i'll outline two different ways of doing this.

Firstly you have the mob spawn deny flag for worldguard. This will prevent any trainers/pokemon spawning. However this will also stop you sending out pokemon in the area.

Using worldedit you can select an area and change the biome, and pokemon do not naturally spawn in the nether. so if you set the biome to hell then it will stop pokemon naturally spawning in the area, however it will allow trainers to send out their own pokemon, which works well for battle arenas.