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By SarcasticSoul
#123431 I looked around for a place to post this, and given that the Support forum is mostly bugs and crash logs, I figured it was likely more appropriate to post it here. I've been playing this mod for a few days now and I'm having a lot of fun with it, and I'm highly impressed with it in many ways. Unfortunately, however, there are a couple of things I'd like to get rid of if I can.

One of those things is the Pokemon cries. I saw the thread about how there's no way to replace them with the game cries due to copyright, which was my original idea, but without another option I'd really just like to remove them entirely. If they just made grunting or growling noises it wouldn't be an issue, but frankly, constantly listening to what sounds like a chorus of 13-year-olds grunting Pokemon names at me from every direction is obnoxious and really kind of distracting. No offense to the voice actors out there, I just really never liked the idea that Pokemon yelled out their own names over and over to begin with. Is there any way to just mute them all, or a mod pack that makes them do something else? I know the links to the mods that replace the cries can't be posted here, but are they still up and can a download still be reached?

Also, the camera behavior during battles is a little wonky. It works well enough in certain specific environments like open fields or flat terrain, but the minute you get into a fight near a river, in a cave, in a tunnel, around trees or jungles, or really just about anywhere else, the rotating cinematic camera immediately loses track of the Pokemon you're fighting and gets lost or clips through terrain. Is there any way to lock that so it doesn't spin, or just remove it to allow movement while battling?

Thanks for the help,
-The Sarcastic Soul-

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By IceMan8030
#123432 1- you can replace the cries at your own risk but as part of the mod staff I can not tell you how or where to get them.
2- there is a config option to turn of camera battle rotation in the pixelmon.cfg located withing the configs folder of your .minecraft