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By Dailby
#124420 Shrines are pretty rare and a little random I believe, and I'm not sure on any strategy to find them.
By DarthSyphillis
#126879 i know they're rare, but do they have any specific locations within their respective biomes? like does Moltre's shrine spawn at the highest point in an extreme hills biome?or could it spawn in a a cave, making it effectively impossible to find?
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By KuroMakai
#126890 Shrines spawn randomly in their respective biomes. I've always found them atop a large flat mountain/hill top with a small amount of decoration. There's no real tactical way to do it except fly around on your trusty flying poke and search high. I've never found a shrine in a cave that wasn't spawned in with creative mode though.
By The_Gameing_Cake
#126896 I have not found a single , naturally spawned shrine so far. I have flied through lots of biomes and I ended up finding 2 mushrooms biomes so I think mushrooms biomes are less rare than shrines.
By DarthSyphillis
#126980 do you know if the Spawn system works with Mods like Biomes O Plenty? (mods that add extra biomes) or do they just not spawn in those added biomes?
By The_Gameing_Cake
#126986 You can try downloading the mod and playing it yourself with pixelmon even though I don't think pixelmons will spawn in those biomes.....