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By Zanakinz1
#123530 Hey guys im back from the grave, just stopping in saying that I am really impressed/proud of the updates to the pixelmon mod. I remember adding a really crappy but working rarity system in the pokedex (which i believe was removed anyways lol) .. Anyways I had to create a new account since the freeforum has been removed through inactivity. Anyways , I saw the pixelmon mod on YogscastDuncan's videos.. And I thought to myself.. WOW Look at the models! I remember them looking like this - Image (Taken from the Pixelmon dev/modelers OLD dropbox :P

By Zanakinz1
#123568 Ima do a play through of the game, I remember there was only small amount of pokemon though I hear over 200+ is in.. and with these improved models i'm sure theres new excitement.
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By Dailby
#124417 It's like a whole new mod, so much improvement.