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By EmperorEhryn
#123760 Out of all the mods I've tried out this one has by far the most dedicated and enduring team. It makes me sad to think, what's gonna happen when it's 100% caught up? :o

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By shadoowner
EmperorEhryn wrote:Out of all the mods I've tried out this one has by far the most dedicated and enduring team. It makes me sad to think, what's gonna happen when it's 100% caught up? :o

Idk :P but I do know that wont be anytime soon since there still is a ton of good stuff to be added ;)
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By Dailby
#124416 I doubt this will ever be 100% complete. This mod will last very long :P. If by chance it does catch up in Pokemon games, they might add other stuff to make it more interesting besides new pokemon.
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By Animalol
#124418 Well, I suppose we'll figure that out when we get there. There will most definitely be more generations coming out while this mod is still running, so we can assume that we'll just continue adding more and more. I doubt we'll ever be 100% caught up, and that's what makes Pixelmon so interesting compared to other mods. There's always new content!