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By muckbeast
#124575 My daughters love Pixelmon. I believe we are running Pixelmon 2.5.7 server. I run the server from:

c:\games\minecraft\pixelmon server\run.bat

And in c:\games\minecraft\pixelmon server\mods\

I have Pixelmon

So that means we are running 2.5.7 server, right?

Anyway, I have seen the instructions for downloading the Pixelmon 3.0.4 zip and forge-1.6.4-

But I don't see anything for downloading the latest server. Before I change the client version of Pixelmon I want to make sure we have the proper server.

Unfortunately I have to re-learn this every time because I'm not actually playing, so I'm not as familiar/comfortable with everything.

I appreciate your help.

By TheYello
#124586 OK so when you downloaded the latest forge compitable with pixelmon, open the forge universal installer and chose install server. After this make a new folder to where you'll install the server. Now in this new folder/server make a folder called mods and install the pixelmon mod there (and anything required) now there is not a special "server pixelmon" the mod is a what called universal mod wich means its works with the client (minecraft) and the server.

Then make the start.bat or just drag it from the old server and do the same with the world folder.

OBS make sure that if you have anyother mod than pixelmon installed for the server make sure that you install them to the server aswell.


If you need more help just pm/message me.