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By RagingRottaH2O
#125068 The pokemon on my server are just spawning and despawning in a fraction of a second. When I send out my own pokemon, I see it for half of a second then disappears. When I press the button again, i t doesn't say You retrieved [pokemon], it just sends it out again for half of a second then disappears. I am using the latest 1.6.4 forge server ( maybe this is a problem with the forge version I am using)with in the mods folder.

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By MrPolarBearJ
#125070 In your world file for the server, is there a forcedchunks.dat file? It should be in the world folder from your server folder. If not then you may have to delete the world and redo the world, or make a new server real quick and grab it off that server.
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By Merajur
#125551 I had this same problem before! To fix, make sure mob spawning is enabled in server properties, and if you're using any region plugin such as WorldGuard, do not toggle the mob-spawning flag (or at least have it set to true!). It seems Pixelmons are regarded as mobs.