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By MrBabyeater
#125320 Hey there!

This being my first post on the forums, I hope it is not already asked and answered. My apologies if I am posting in the wrong category. I wasn't sure where to post at, lol. I was wondering on the possibility of controlling where Pixelmon spawn at, whether its through worldguard or another plugin or mod, how do you guys do it? We would really just like to disable the spawning of Pixelmon in our spawn! Possibly there are permission nodes that I'm forgetting?

While I'm thinking about this, however it wasn't my intention to ask so many questions, is it possible to control whether or not a player can release his Pixelmon as if he were going to do a battle with another trainer or a wild Pixelmon? There are certain areas in our server that we would not like players to be able to send out their Pixelmon with the 'R' key.

Lastly, my final question. I was wondering about the Shrines; If I disable them in the mod configuration, after I have already generated a big part of the world and loaded up quite a few chunks that definitely do have a Shrine in them, will the Shrines still work after disabling them in the configuration? I'm hoping the answer to that is yes, lol... People have found ways to fill up the orbs instantly.

EDIT: One more question, lol! Is it possible to /pokespawn a Pixelmon and specify what personality you want it to have, as well as the size? If so, what would be the syntax for that? :o

Thanks a lot in advance for your help and support! Again, I'm sorry to post this in the wrong area! A huge thanks to the developers of this mod. We have been using it for a while, and everyone loves it including myself. There is a ton of awesome features. Keep up the great work! :D

Best Regards,

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By MrPolarBearJ
#125321 As far as controlling spawn, I believe you have to do that thru the pixelmon database. But maybe I am wrong. And yes, there is, I believe a world guard flag can block that. I know at my server hub, you can't because it is spawn. But I am pretty sure there is a flag to do that. As for weather, there are quite a few plugins that can control that. Once you disable the shrines, there will be ones that were already spawned, but they won't spawn anything.
By MrBabyeater
#125322 Thanks a lot for the fast response MrPolarBearJ! I appreciate it! :D

Do you know which flag it would be through worldguard that would disable the Pixelmon spawning in the regions I wish? It seems like I had tried quite a few and none appear to work... maybe I just hadn't gotten the right one yet!

Patiently waiting for the rest of my questions to be answered too. :)
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By Some Body
#125324 The database only contains the biomes where Pokémon spawn, and modifying it will not help you disable Pokémon in a specific place.

Disabling shrines only disables them spawning. Existing ones still work (although each shrine works only once).

/pokespawn cannot specify nature or growth. Use NBTEdit for this.
By MrBabyeater
Some Body » 19 May 2014 14:10 wrote:The database only contains the biomes where Pokémon spawn, and modifying it will not help you disable Pokémon in a specific place.

Disabling shrines only disables them spawning. Existing ones still work (although each shrine works only once).

/pokespawn cannot specify nature or growth. Use NBTEdit for this.

Thanks for the reply Some Body! :)

So, firstly... I'm assuming that there is in-fact no way to disable spawning in certain areas? That is kinda unfortunate really, but no worries! Just to clarify. Also, using NBTEdit will I have to know the values for the Pixelmon's stat increase for each Nature? Or will it be laid out for me already?

Thanks again for the help! Much appreciated.
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By Some Body
#125328 I'm not experienced with plugins like WorldGuard so don't discount the possibility, but you can't do it with just modifying the database.

You just need to know each nature's ID, which can be found in this guide: viewtopic.php?f=85&t=11035.
By MrBabyeater
Some Body » 19 May 2014 14:27 wrote:I'm not experienced with plugins like WorldGuard so don't discount the possibility, but you can't do it with just modifying the database.

You just need to know each nature's ID, which can be found in this guide: viewtopic.php?f=85&t=11035.

Awesome! :D Thanks a ton Some-Body!
**Tosses you a few masterballs**

Best Regards,
By MrBabyeater
MrMasochism wrote:World guard can be used to block spawn in an area. Search the forums, there have been a few topics on it in the past

Thanks MrMasochism! :D

I appreciate the suggestion, however I had searched and found nothing answered. Correct me if I'm wrong, by all means!
If anyone else knows how to disable Pixelmon spawning in certain areas with WorldGuard, please let me know! I will be forever grateful.

Best Regards,
By MrBabyeater
#125371 Found it! :P

by honkinpigs
03 May 2014 15:14
I run a server and this was one of the things I needed to figure out. I would recommend using worldedit and worldguard together, and i'll outline two different ways of doing this.

Firstly you have the mob spawn deny flag for worldguard. This will prevent any trainers/pokemon spawning. However this will also stop you sending out pokemon in the area.

Using worldedit you can select an area and change the biome, and pokemon do not naturally spawn in the nether. so if you set the biome to hell then it will stop pokemon naturally spawning in the area, however it will allow trainers to send out their own pokemon, which works well for battle arenas.