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By Shkumbops
#125347 Hey guys, I am currently coding a plugin for auctions related things.
I can't seem to find all the Pixelmon codes and others ids related.

Could someone please post the full codes of all the Pixelmon IDs and in this fromat
12262;0: Choice Band
(2 spaces in front before you begin the codes)

This would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. It would be a crazy help for me. I am currently coding a plugin for Pixelmon auctions, and other plugins that don't support Pixelmon IDs.

Thanks A lot :D


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By Some Body
#125350 All the item IDs are in the config file. For items, you'll have to add 256 to the value to get the actual ID, while you don't have to do this for blocks.
By Airth
#125543 just as a future reference you can also hit f3+h and it shows id's