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By moz2798
#125733 Whenever i try to download 3.0.4 it freezes at 12 seconds remaining on every mirror i click on can anyone help please?

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By Quakthorn2
moz2798 » 25 May 2014 01:57 wrote:Whenever i try to download 3.0.4 it freezes at 12 seconds remaining on every mirror i click on can anyone help or are you all useless?

First, you ask for help, then call us all "useless"

If it wasn't for that comment, I would have helped, but you can sit on an egg now and enjoy being Pixelmon-less :evil:
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By Lemonita
#125745 Your internet connection probably froze down and caused the download to currupt, use chrome, or firefox to download since they have a download manager, which can pause and continue downloads.