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By gamerdude16
#125831 Yeah I don't want to manipulate pixelmon at all. And you talked about an API, how could I use a pixelmon API to help me?

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By Jephon
#125832 I believe you have to request the API from Mr M or someone else at the top of the totem pole.

Details have changed a lot since I joined pixelmon on the api
By gamerdude16
#125833 Okay thanks and with the API I am able to create plugins that would allow me to say use a command to give a random pixelmon? Or something that makes the server give money to a player when they defeat a pixelmon?
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By Jephon
#125835 That is where my knowledge ends.

I was doing some research for you and it looks like there is a new API being developed but isn't finished. In the topic it said it was supposed to be included in pixelmon 3.1 but with it being as unfinished as it is, I doubt it will make it.

I dunno what to tell you about that.. If there is a new API, that means the hooks you will be using will most likely be changing.

I dunno. Someone who actually codes side mods should hop in here to tell you if it is worth it to start it or wait until the new API is released
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By AnDwHaT5
gamerdude16 » 26 May 2014 13:56 wrote:Okay thanks and with the API I am able to create plugins that would allow me to say use a command to give a random pixelmon? Or something that makes the server give money to a player when they defeat a pixelmon?

When the api is released this will be possible. As for now the api is not public yet. Nor is it finished.
By gamerdude16
#125837 If it isn't possible yet, then how are there servers that say they have "Custom Plugins" and they have commands that can give you random pixelmon?
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By Isi
#125839 Custom mods, not plugins. The fact that I just had to point that out shows how off the rails this thred is >.>
By gamerdude16
#125842 Sorry I'm just confused by everything that has been said... I've been on servers that have that MOD then but I didn't need to download a mod to play on the server
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By Isi
#125844 Not all mods require a client side change.

General rule. Plugin = Bukkit API = Serverside
ForgeMod = Forge API = Client side/Serverside/Both.

Servers that run forge api can only use mods. Servers on craftbukkit/Spigot can only use plugins. MCPC servers use both, though it's considered experimental. And using an MCPC doesn’t mean it's easy to interact the two.