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By MrMasochism
#125883 Also to clarify, forge mods can be serverside only or clientside only as well as universal. In either of those first 2 cases the other side doesn't need the mod installed for it to work

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By MrPolarBearJ
MrMasochism » 26 May 2014 15:47 wrote:Also to clarify, forge mods can be serverside only or clientside only as well as universal. In either of those first 2 cases the other side doesn't need the mod installed for it to work

Well then if I can find mods where the player doesn't have to install, I will use them then. But I don't think there are any or at least many made this way. :/
By PixelCoin
#125916 I really like if there come up a PixelMon MCPC + API, For coding pluins. So is there more information about it if there came one or not,
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By MoeBoy76
PixelCoin » Tue May 27, 2014 11:45 pm wrote:I really like if there come up a PixelMon MCPC + API, For coding pluins. So is there more information about it if there came one or not,

there is an API in progress and it can be found here, although it isn't released yet and it's not specifically for forge or bukkit (though it will be written using forge)