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By Mr_Tumtums
#126059 SO ... i just finally started posting stuff , and if this is counted as cheating... then tell me please.. but when posting you gain 1 post and a certain amount a posts make you gain like levelish and make you like posting master ect. but if you want to level up Post on this .. it can be like just random words... again ... if this is cheating or ban worthyish PLEASE TELL ME!

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By Mr_Tumtums
#126060 Please tell me if this counts as cheating
By Lizzy39632
#126064 It not exactly cheating, it's more like unnecessary spam.
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By Some Body
#126092 Don't spam threads with meaningless posts or you might find your posts getting deleted. Post meaningful things that are not just for the sake of raising the post level.

Posting level doesn't mean much anyway.
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By Mr_Tumtums
#126129 Ok , thanks for telling me .. btw can I delete my own post or does an admin/operator need to do it
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By Some Body
#126130 You can delete your post if nobody has posted after you. Otherwise, a mod has to do it.