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By CalzoneCannon
#126159 On my server, I am trying to create NPC gyms that are bosses so that we don't have to worry about a player level cap. The biggest problem is that when one person battles it, the boss pokemon adjust to that person's pokemon's levels. After that, the next person to battle it, only the trainer's first pokemon adjusts its level to the person's pokemon.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
If so, I appreciate the help.


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By bobbanana09
#126165 Hm, this could be a possible bug. Sorry, I don't know much about this. Wish I could help more, I use NPC trainers all the time, just never a boss trainer. :/
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By Quakthorn2
CalzoneCannon » 29 May 2014 15:55 wrote:On my server, I am trying to create NPC gyms that are bosses so that we don't have to worry about a player level cap. The biggest problem is that when one person battles it, the boss pokemon adjust to that person's pokemon's levels. After that, the next person to battle it, only the trainer's first pokemon adjusts its level to the person's pokemon.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
If so, I appreciate the help.


It's a graphic glitch. Its level does change to the appropriate level, the visual is a bug that I hear may be fixed in the 3.1 update. This is only a visual bug so you won't need to worry about it.