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By JamieS1211
#126819 Its fine, i got a workaround. Prevented the crafting of the traders or their parts by disabling being able to click on them in workbenches. Then disabled the breaking of traders for some reason the IDs worked in that operation so no new ones can be made and old ones broken so any in the wrong place can be removed and the stock in inventory blocks has now been depleted so no traders exist to be placed now :D
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By JamieS1211
KuroMakai » 05 Jun 2014 14:20 wrote:No clue why you would want to disable trading, but hey man, your server! Hope you enjoy playing the mod :)

I want to disable the placing of traders not trading. I have a trading system where you have to be in the same rank group to trade between players. It is to prevent new players having their shiny starters traded for lvl 100s and then completing the server easy as we have not got gym level caps using NPC gym leaders. But if players place traders they can avoid our system and trade with anyone.
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By JamieS1211
#127521 Don't use chest shop. I did howerver use essentials using the /item db command and used the f3+h to show item ids.