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By ycheng18
#126316 Status effects had been a important part of the real pokemon game, and I just want to ask if some of the status effect side feature had been implemented. Take a notable example, burning will half the pokemon's attack. Back in august, burning only damage the pokemon, but doesn't half their attack. I just want to ask if this bug had been fixed, in either 3.0, or is going to be fix in 3.1

By BBot4Life
#126319 I don't think it is yet. And that isn't the most important things with status effects as they are still pretty buggy.
By ycheng18
#126324 I might notbeimoortant for you, but the side effect is quiteimportant for competitive play. For example, running scald on s defensive wall such as slowbro can be helpful just because of that halved attack.
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By OneCryptickilla
#126354 The bugs are being worked on one at a time. Although I can't say with certainty that this will be one of the bugs immediately fixed, they are working and overhauling alot of the game so far and fixing alot of broken glitched battle mechanics. Its not on the top priority list but it is important all the same and will be noted when the more important and popular or convenient demands are addressed :)