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By FlyGuy
#126676 Dear pixelmon mod creators, I feel the way to obtain mew two is a little off. I mean you need to get mew to get him? You get two legendaries by catching one, that's just a little too much. Now I like the concept on how it's supposed to be like the movie but if your ember in the movie they used a fossil of mew not mew himself. Do I propose that's how you should get mew two in pixelmon by finding a fossil of mew. Please take this post into consideration thank you.

By TheMouseSir
#126695 Even if they did make mew into a fossil obtained pokemon, would it be like mining? Or would you want to have it be obtained in a special way? I thought in the movie, they took the embryo and started dna testing on it, then came along mewtwo.
By The_Gameing_Cake
#126701 I do like the idea of fossil but you also have to remember that the mew can create a ditto also. If you use 3 Iron Blocks : ~5% chance to get mewtwo, 3 Gold Blocks used: ~50% chance to get mewtwo , 3 Diamond Blocks used: ~70% chance to get mewtwo. Diamond is hard to find in single player so there is a less chance of us getting a mewtwo.

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By Some Body
#126702 Get off that wiki, it's all wrong. Use the official wiki.
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By MoeBoy76
#126703 if you want to slow down development of new stuff then this is a great suggestion, except that being a suggestion it should be posted in the suggestion tracker and not here
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#126730 either way i wouldnt allow it, the fossil was used just because it had mew's dna, you put mew in the machine because it's scanning mew's dna, does the same thing, we arent changing it