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By GabeTheGabe
#126712 Hey guys!

It's Gabe! I think it would be a great idea to implement the starters of Kalos region and the legendaries of Unova & Kalos. Lucario too! Those would be great Pokémon to enhance the game!
Another idea is to add more specifications to /pokegive and /pokespawn. You can add specifications to the gender, nature, IVs etc. You should only let the IV specification go up to perfect IVs which would be 13 for every stat if I'm not mistaken. (I'm kinda stupid at that stuff. :lol: )

Thank You,

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By MrPolarBearJ
#126713 Eventually they will, as I have said in other posts, they will not release them all at once. They will release a select number every now and then.

As for the pixelmon commands, I like the idea. :o
By Lizzy39632
#126714 No gen 6 until gen 7 is released and if you want pokemon in the game make it yourself by using maya or blender. For IVs, they are implementing breeding soon but it is not finished.
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By bobbanana09
#126715 As lizzy said, if you want a pokemon model it yourself. And they wont add gen 6 until gen 7 is released.

Also I believe you can NBT edit IVs and such to make them preferred.
By Mikiflyr
#126716 As said before, NBTedit does the EV, IV, nature, and gender thing just fine.

The other things are against the forum rules. No asking for pokemon (do it yourself) and no asking for gen 6 pokemon. Gen 6 pokemon will be introduced later on, after either all pokes from gen1-5 are introduced or gen7 is made. Until then, don't even think about gen 6.

Thread locked because it serves no further purpose.