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By Seeaaboahh
#127181 Hey there, It's my first visit here and I'm in dire need of help with Zapdos hunting.
So I started searching for a shrine 12 hours ago and it'd be easy to say it's quite the ordeal finding one.
I've gone trough about 8-10 forest biomes now and I haven't found one. So I've got a few questions here that I've come up with about the shrines.

The most important thing I'm looking to find out is wether static shrines spawn in only ForestHills or in Forest and Foresthills biomes. Knowing that might cut my work in half. The dev sites' wiki says: "Zapdos-Forest-Orb of Static Souls" but the fanmade one says Foresthills and I haven't seen anyone find a shrine in a forest, only in a ForestHills biome.

I've been running trough every biomes like I'm lost looking underneath every block which is taking me hours and it gets repetitive pretty quick. Are there any preset requirements for shrines to spawn like a specific height or a number of free blocks around the shrine itself. Knowing that the shrine is only one block high, can they spawn underneath trees where there's only one free block and then there's leaf blocks. Can they spawn in the middle a trees' leaf blocks if they are touching the ground, as it commonly happens in Foresthills biomes with trees growing on the side of hills. Basically any tips you can give me for spotting the shrines easier. Also are there any decorations around the shrines?

Also about the static orb, I've been filling it up by k.o-ing all kinds of Pokemon as it says in the wiki that all types should work but it doesn't seem to be changing or showing signs of filling up. I've seen some half-filled orbs and it shows on the sprite.

By Mikiflyr
#127185 Through experience, I can say they don't spawn in other blocks, such as trees. Blocks usually will never do that.

The shrines are extremely rare. I have heard people sometimes say that finding a Mushroom biome is easier then finding a shrine. Really, you need luck.

There is rarely a reason (if any) to trust a fanmade site over Pixelmon's wiki. However, I think the term "Forest" can also mean Forest Hills. I think it spawns in a Forest, and this also includes forest hills.
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By Some Body
#127197 Here's a quote from one of the developers:
Xwaffle » 18 Feb 2014 21:09 wrote:Their are 3 shrines. They spawn in Forest, Taiga, and Extreme Hills, they are a bit hard to come by because their size is pretty big, and when they are spawned they search for an area that is relatively flat.

Static Shrines do spawn in Forests. They may or may not spawn in Forest Hills due to a matching biome tag, but I haven't confirmed this.

Get off the unofficial wiki. It's terrible and has a lot of false information on it.
By Seeaaboahh
#127229 So can anybody actually confirm finding a shrine in just Forest? It seems highly unlikely when Zapdos used to spawn only on the top of Foresthills biomes. Maybe on the side of hills where it's Forest but on straight up flats idk. So yeah anybody ever found one there?

Also I'm still seriously dying to know if they spawn underneath trees or only in the small open areas.