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By Yamy19
#127222 yes i was wondering i am setting a server up and i want to know how to make it so that my players have to go to prof. oaks lab and select a pokeball and get the starter from the kanto gen. can you help

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By Animalol
#127260 Well, this isn't possible. If you were to get Custom NPCs, you could make an NPC that will give the players Pokeballs, a Pokedex, and so on, but you couldn't make it give Pokemon - it just isn't possible. If you don't know anything on Custom NPCs, I suggest searching up tutorial videos, or feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Apologies, it just isn't possible in Pixelmon or Custom NPCs to give Pokemon.


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By Yamy19
#127341 i knoe it is possiable because rc gamers have did it
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By Cap_Cod
#127466 You have to use command blocks. Plugins could help to. You could have it setup where the player clicks 1 of 3 buttons which they would give a starter pokemon like charmander or squirtle. That is all easy. What seems to be the hard part is getting the players to start with no starter screen or starter. I've heard that if you have the player spawn on a tripwire that teleports them away then the starter screen won't appear. I don't know if this works and I don't know what would happen when the player relogs. P.S. Make sure you have some way of stopping a player from continuously clicking the buttons and getting starters.

Summary: Player spawns in tripwire and gets teleported to your spawn. Spawn is in a secluded area that only new players can get to. This is so no one can click the starter pokemon buttons. Have signs that lead to Prof. Oak. Put an npc or something or signs and have the player click 1 of 3 buttons. The buttons initiate a set of command blocks that tele the player to the real spawn where everyone else has access to and it gives them the pokemon they chose. That's the basics. Throw in some other stuff and people will love it. None of this is for sure. Never tested it.

I was going to do this for my server because I hadn't seen many others do it but soccer had started and I couldn't do it. I hope to see someone do this. Seems like a neat idea.