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By MiniMoose12
#127372 I've directed a few builders who wanted to apply to my servers' forum page and they have been having trouble with the human verification at the end of the registration page. You know the one to sort the pokemon by legendary/types. Why? Why do they need to know SPECIFICALLY which pokemon is a legendary. Why didn't you guys make it like "What color comes after green in the rainbow"? and have them sort colors. I tried doing it when I went to post my forum page, but turns out I registered here long before and forgot about it. YES I know that Squirtle, War turtle, and blastoise are in the same evolution tree (I'm not dumb) but who really keeps up with the legendaries unless you are playing pokemon/pixelmon every day?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum section, not sure where to put it because the sub-forums are a big vague.

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By Some Body
#127373 If you don't know extremely basic stuff about Pokémon, you should probably play a Pokémon game first, or else you'll just get completely lost playing Pixelmon. If you don't know recent generations, it's nothing you can't just quickly look up.
By MiniMoose12
Some Body » 12 Jun 2014 21:16 wrote:If you don't know extremely basic stuff about Pokémon, you should probably play a Pokémon game first, or else you'll just get completely lost playing Pixelmon. If you don't know recent generations, it's nothing you can't just quickly look up.

Isn't the point of playing a game to learn about it as you play, not to know the entire game before playing it? You shouldn't be limited to join a forum about the game just because you don't know 6/lots pokemon. The human verification prob makes lots of people leave the site before they even registered because they gave up on the 3rd try.
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By bobbanana09
#127376 I personally like it, but I do get where you're coming from.

Basically I believe they don't do a normal verification because there are some people from Minecraft that know nothing about Pokemon and want to advertise their server, website, etc. There are plenty more people other than Minecrafters as well.