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By DapperDane
#127578 Hi,

Apologies in advance if this post is in wrong location:

Fully impressed with the creativity of this site. I'm new and am trying to get the app up and running. Running Forge 1.7.2 with Pixelmon version 3.0.4. Its crashing and I assume I have the wrong forge version. Can anyone tell me what the correct version of forge to run that is compatible with Pixelmon 3.0.4? Thank you in advance.


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By clienthax
DapperDane » 15 Jun 2014 22:33 wrote:Hi,

Apologies in advance if this post is in wrong location:

Fully impressed with the creativity of this site. I'm new and am trying to get the app up and running. Running Forge 1.7.2 with Pixelmon version 3.0.4. Its crashing and I assume I have the wrong forge version. Can anyone tell me what the correct version of forge to run that is compatible with Pixelmon 3.0.4? Thank you in advance.


Pixelmon 3.0.4 is incompatible with 1.7.2.
you will need a 1.6.4 build
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By bobbanana09
DapperDane » 15 Jun 2014 18:33 wrote:Hi,

Apologies in advance if this post is in wrong location:

Fully impressed with the creativity of this site. I'm new and am trying to get the app up and running. Running Forge 1.7.2 with Pixelmon version 3.0.4. Its crashing and I assume I have the wrong forge version. Can anyone tell me what the correct version of forge to run that is compatible with Pixelmon 3.0.4? Thank you in advance.


There is a recommended forge version in the pixelmon downloads.
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By bobbanana09
DapperDane » 15 Jun 2014 19:38 wrote:Outstanding thank you for the replies. I must have missed it.


Glad I could help.