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#127679 Yo,
I currently run a private pixelmon server between friends and we are all wondering what is going to happen when the next update is launched. The big question is: do we keep our pokemon and items when we upgrade to the next version?

I am guessing that chances are very slim considering the next update brings pixelmon to minecraft 1.7.2. However after that, whenever new pokemon are added to the mod and we install the next version, do we lose our teams and progress? if there is a way to preserve it and move them into the next update that would be brilliant since a lot of my players are already pretty engrossed into the game.

Another question brought up is 'are there any blocks or biomes where pokemon don't spawn?'

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By NeonDiscovery
#127680 Hmm. I think all you have to do is move the Player Data. I may be wrong though.

I don't think Pokemon spawn in the end. You could always disable the Wild Pokemon from spawning if that's what you're going for.
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By IceMan8030
#127681 As long as you move over your player data to your new world file (run a backup before upgrading) then you should not loose any pokemon but you will most likely loose your items unless you use something like world edit to copy your chest into the new world.

With the new spawn tag system implemented in 3.0 Pokemon will spawn in all the new biomes.

Pokemon will never spawn in the nether or end
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By MoeBoy76
#127683 if you are asking if swapping 3.0.4 for 3.1 will affect saved data, it won't, everything will be safe, if you are changing to a new world with 1.7.2 biomes, see the above post by my friend IceMan8030 (note that pixelmon stuff won't be generated if you pre-make a new 1.7.2 world)
#127694 Thanks for the help. Another quick question though.

When pixelmon does upgrade to minecraft 1.7.2, will I need to make a new world or can I keep this one and run it on 1.7.2?
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By MoeBoy76
#127695 just update the server files (forge or Cauldron/MCPC+ jar) and the (along with any other mods and plugins that you have) and you're good to go, however, obviously the 1.7.2 biomes will only appear in new chunks
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By bobbanana09
MrMasochism » 17 Jun 2014 21:26 wrote:One little change to that, due to a forge change, tms will not be kept from 3.0 to 3.1

So new IDs? Or just no TMS in your inventory & chests?
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By MoeBoy76
bobbanana09 » Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:28 am wrote:
MrMasochism » 17 Jun 2014 21:26 wrote:One little change to that, due to a forge change, tms will not be kept from 3.0 to 3.1

So new IDs? Or just no TMS in your inventory & chests?

there are no longer Ids period