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By TheGameAce
#128057 Umm alright? Also I don't really get what "Gravebumping" is.

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By Some Body
#128061 Gravebumping/necroing is posting on an old topic that's not had posts for a while, needlessly bumping it up to the top of the forum.
By Lizzy39632
#128065 I have a question: So guys are not locking threads anymore, since you can now delete necro posts?
I was just wondering since if you lock a thread, the modeler or person can't edit their main post.
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#128069 i never lock modeling threads in the 2 years of doing this, though i should, most the time the necros are things that havent been approved so I just delete them in thinking the modeler will one day post on it again, which is highly unlikely
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By bobbanana09
#128073 So basically what we take out of this is dont make annoying comments on models like "Awesome! Cant wait" but actually give criticism?

This is why I stay away from modeling, I'm terrible lol, so I don't post because I have nothing good to say.