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By isbragg
#127976 There's no need for a side mod. There already exists an item, obtainable in Creative Mode, that allows you to create custom trainers. All you need to do is build a stadium or other similar structure to house them and you are good to go.
By BanAvoider
#127985 Perhaps there could be a parameter you can set with the /pokegive command which would give you a random pokemon with the moves it would learn at that level. Then all you would have to do is set up commandblocks to /pokegive @p [random pokemon] lvl50 , which would make something along the lines of a challenge cup battle.

Another thing you can try is to set up a large room full of signs and buttons where players can select rental pokemon by clicking a button which would activate a command block to give them the pokemon they want. This would require no further modding, just some knowledge of the workings of command blocks.

I think a server with rental pokemon is a great idea, and I love the Pokemon Stadium/2 themed idea, That game was my childhood.