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By bobbanana09
#128016 Yep. Just play around with the trainer editor, and you'll find where it says item drops. Its in the dialogue section. Just enter in the ID.
By Mikiflyr
#128020 I personally wouldn't advise making a custom trainer a gym leader at this time. It just isn't as interactive as challenging a player gym leader.

But, in response to AxisMyth, a common bug is the trainer turning invisible. Simply throwing your pokeball at where it last was usually does the trick, and triggers the battle.

Also, it could also simply despawn. Theres no fixing this, except by making a new one. Another con to NPC gym leaders is the maintenance they require. But, if your all in for it, good luck.
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By IceMan8030
#128036 There are several servers that use the trainers as gym leaders and they work fine. I haven't really had the time to dabble with them to much but I know that you can set what pokemon they have, what level the pokemon is and what moves it has. This allows you to make the trainers harder as you progress through the gyms. You can also set the trainers drops. I know on the pokeballers kanto region they have all they gym leaders to set which items they want and how many. You can also set how often the trainer can be battled and if once beaten if a player can battle it again. The best thing to do is to open a creative world and just start spawning them in and playing with the settings. If you have any further questions let us know and we will try to help you.

Also the issue with the trainers disappearing is a slight glitch and can be fixed by hitting them with a pokeball or relogging. Also over time the trainer will break so you or your staff will have to replace them so make sure you have some way of knowing how you set the trainer up. I don't care what anyone else says I have worked for several servers and the trainers beat having players do gyms any day of the week. Trainers will always be there to do battles where having players is to undependable to keep your gyms running.
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By bobbanana09
AxisMyth » 20 Jun 2014 10:28 wrote:But MirageCraft hv the trainer as the gym leader and when we defeated it, it will still stay there.

There is a option that says "Once per player" or once for every 24 hours.

That lets them stay.