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By MajikTom
#128554 Ok I did search throughout the Forums and I understand the most part about multiple world issues. What I am looking for and haven't found, is whether we can have pokemon spawn only in a secondary world.

The default world should not have any pokemon spawning, but would be nice if players could throw out their pokemon (perhaps disabling battles), but the secondary world is where all action takes place.

Is this possible either now (1.6.4) or later in v3.1 (1.7.2)? I'm using Multiverse.

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By bobbanana09
#128556 To my understanding, multiverse/multiworld are not pixelmon's friends.

I do not believe they work.
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By JustRickolo
bobbanana09 » 25 Jun 2014 21:29 wrote:To my understanding, multiverse/multiworld are not pixelmon's friends.

I do not believe they work.

No, it doesn't work and you cant get it to work.