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By FlameFlare9
#129516 Hello,
I don't know if I can't find it but, I don't know if I am allowed to add this mod(Pixelmon) to my custom Modpack, I won't provide any money with the mod pack itself, only with my Server maybe, but it will be hard to keep up with the new EULA.
So am I allowed to use this mod or not?

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By bobbanana09
#129517 You cannot add Pixelmon to a modpack without specific permission.

PS. The Mojang EULA isn't new it's been like that for a very long time.
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#129523 the eula has nothing to do with what you are requesting, but no, you cant put our mod in a mod pack, just link the pixelmon site when you make it, thank you for asking though
By FlameFlare9
#129524 So, I don't need an extra permission, I simply have to add the pixelmonsite as a link at the download right? And maybe on the official server?
By FlameFlare9
#129532 Okay, but why are there other mod packs which have pixelmon, do they have special permissions?
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#129534 no, they didnt ask for permission and did it anyways, you're just courteous enough to be one of the few to ask for permission