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By EvilDusk
#129525 Hello, could someone kindly guide me on how to update my server, I want to keep everything as it is like worlds, player data if possible and everything, been reading about many conflicts and also would like to know if its safe to update if so..

which forge, MCPC+ .. and what are the steps on updating like what should I replace and what not. Any help is greatly appreciated :D

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By TheMiggyDgz
#129526 Hi there! I'm not sure what you can do about the worlds and player data, since IDs changed in this update, but I can help you with Forge and the other things.

For Forge and Cauldron (formerly known as MCPC+), I recommend using 1.7.2-Latest in and
By TheGameAce
#129527 From what I know, all you have to do is replace the old pixelmon, with 3.1.1, and Forge 1.7.2+