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By Smiddy1488
#129597 Hey guys,

Was updating my server and I noticed like with old griefprevention which wasn't configured that players cannot do damage nor receive damage from Pokemon inside of claims.

According to someone in chat here, griefprevention for 1.7.2 doesn't allow configuration to enable people to harm 'animals' in claims and therefore griefprevention will have to be removed if I want to allow players to attack pokemon inside of claims.

Is this true? And if so is there any way around this?

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By Isi
#129599 Nah. In my opinion, I'm not to fond of the most recent version.I'd recommend just sticking to 7.7
By Smiddy1488
Rawrben » 09 Jul 2014 07:42 wrote:I am also having trouble with admin claims and players not being able to use pc's, healers and ender chests

I figured it out in the end, you need to subdivide the claim and use /containertrust public inside the subdivision with the pc.