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By NoParadox
#129705 Hello everybody, I'm NoParadox, owner of Parapixelmon. After the 3.1.1 update, several people, me included, have had this same issue, when you try to battle with your pokemon from 3.0.4 in 3.1.1, they're unable to! Well, the fix is actually much simpler.... and much more obvious than I thought previously. You see, with the coming of pixelmon 3.1.1, came the coming of the new ID's for most, if not all pixelmon items. Now at this point, you may be wondering.. "What's that have to do with anything?" The answer is everything. Due to these ID changes, pokemon using held items from 3.0.4 are unable to battle. Why? Because they do not exist. Pixelmon is trying to apply the item effects of your beloved combusken named "McNugget" but simply cannot, thus causing you to freeze when the pokemon use a move... where a held item is often times tested for, then applied. So, to fix this, simply remove the held items, and replace them with fresh copies of the old ones. Thanks,

By anavrein
#129912 you can also toggle the level enabling on and off and also if your playing on a bukkit server with world gaurd and your pokemon are not doing any sort of damage that's a claim problem and an easy fix is to just claim it by using /rg define normaly players can't place or destroy anything and it lets you battle freely in your own town, but for the people who can't access /rg define and have there own claimed land there's no hope yet because it'll still be an unending battle if they engage a wild pokemon unless you run.