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By Pixelhouse
#129887 Hi guys i'm deciding on running a Pixelmonmod.
And i was wondering what the CPU usage is for a normal Pixelmon server.
No additional heavy mods(except for Essentials, Griefprevention).
Could you give me an estimate for 50 people and 100 people?
Thanks in advance.

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By DeathRtH
#129934 CPU's are to varied to tell, even comparing 2 of the same CPU, they may have different clocks if one is overclocked, binning factors in, and of course if there is bottlenecking from other components within the system, as well as the CPU possibly throttling itself because of temperatures,
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By KyoSohma
Pixelhouse » 04 Jul 2014 07:50 wrote:Ok i understand that, however i merely want to know if 4gb would suffice or until what capacity that would support it.
So i know what package to take.

Would this be more answerable?

2 gig can hold about 50 players, so 4 gig is enough, one or two extra can be good just in case
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By Pixelhouse
#129940 Alright guys thanks alot for the help :).
Yes it's hosted on SSD drives with a Gigabyte connection, my ram was the only thing worrying me.
I would run it on Spigot is that a good idea? since its very lightweight. Or are there better solutions?