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By AidenJ
#130238 Hello. I wanted to play with my friend in pixelmon on private server that i made from forge on 1.7.2. I downloaded pixelmon 3.1.1 and additionaly installed only voxel mini map. Problem is on any map even when i copy paste seed with pokecenter etc they dont resp! I can't find any pokecenter or shrine on multiplayer and on singleplayer too when i create new map. I created like 10 maps already was fyling on gamemode through worlds but i couldn't find anything. And commend for spawning structures also doesn't work. I've tried on superflat map to make sure that is a good place and it still didn't worked. Please help me i want to play with my friend so bad but we want to have pokecenter wthout building it. Please reply ASAP.