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By xAegizz
#130600 Hi all. I've just created a Pixelmon server to play with some friends in adventure mode. I'd like to prevent pokemon from spawning in some areas of the map, because i usually use pressure plates to interact with command blocks. So, Is there any way to stop pokemon from spawning?? I use "Pixelmon Spawners" to minimize the amount of pokemons there but i want to make all dissapear.

By honkinpigs
#130601 Two ways;
Pokemon don't spawn in the nether, so option 1;

Install worldedit and make a selection of the area you dont want pixelmon to spawn in, and run the command //setbiome hell
This will however change the colour of grass/leaves in the area so it's not always ideal.

Option two; on top of worldedit also install worldguard. define a region over the area you want to protect and give it a mob spawn deny flag, this will stop any mobs spawning in these areas and wont mess with the colour of grass/leaves etc. However you cant send your pokemon out in these areas either.
By xAegizz
#130609 I really appreciate it. Thanks for be so fast. My choice was the hell biome, because I'm not in a bukkit server and its easier. The grass get a yellow desertlike colour instead of red, which helps a lot.