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By Kuwoobie
#130677 We just updated to 3.1.2, and we're setting up double battles on our server. We're having some trouble though....

Enabling the /pokebattle2 command seems to give anyone the ability to spawn whatever pokemon they want and battle it.

All we really are trying to do is allow players to double battle one another. So I was thinking... maybe we could use command blocks?

Maybe something like:

/pokebattle2 @p paired with something else?

Any ideas?

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By bobbanana09
#130739 My suggestion, set a flag for the world using world region and make pokebattle2 not available in the area.

Then, make like a tourney area somewhere where you can set the command to true, so players can battle eachother. It doesn't necessarily stop them from spawning in pixelmon, but you could have people watch there to see if they do spawn things and punish them accordingly. :)